Love Requires Intention and a Strategy

Love requires intention and a strategy. We all more or less know “that love is not a feeling”, but neither can it be intention alone.

Genuine and profitable love, like the redeeming love of God, must have a plan, a goal, a studied purpose for the good of its receiver. That is not to say that it is a cerebral exercise; the emotions of love flow from their source in the mind, and fuel the latter in its purposes.

And this is what I have seen in counseling this week.

Those families, and those churches that are succeeding in healthy and dynamic relationships, are doing so through articulated and conscious purpose.

Every relationship that matters needs a plan. What is your plan for cultivating the personhood and strength of those you love?

One Response to “Love Requires Intention and a Strategy”

  1. Susi Fickling Says:

    Hello Adams. We received your wonderful, convicting letter yesterday. You most certainly are a very gifted writer. Thanks for that. Much to think and pray about. Specific question for you. How would we send a care package directly to you? What could I include that would be special treats and a blessing to your family? I prefer dark chocolate myself but I don’t want to assume that others share that same preference. What can’t you get there or what is so exorbitantly priced that you dare not get there? I will wait to hear from you. I am now subscibed to this site via email. In Christ, Susi for the Fickling Family

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